Take a break from hunger with Synergy’s Crave Control. This refreshing, strawberry-lemonade flavored drink mix promotes a sustained sense of fullness with a powerful blend of efficacious ingredients, including chromium picolinate, fiber, and a patented, all-natural potato protein extract. This delicious formula fights hunger for up to three hours at a time, reducing cravings for sweets, high-fat treats, and fast foods.

Tome un descanso del hambre con SLMsmart Crave Control de Synergy. Esta mezcla refrescante con sabor a fresa y limonada estimula un sentimiento de saciedad prolongado con una combinación poderosa de ingredientes eficaces, por ejemplo, tripicolinato de cromo, fibra y un extracto patentado de proteína de papa totalmente natural. Esta fórmula deliciosa combate el hambre por hasta tres horas a la vez reduciendo el deseo de comer dulces, bocadillos con un alto contenido en grasa y comidas rápidas.

  • Curbs hunger for up to three hours *†
  • Helps you consume less food throughout the day *†
  • Reduces craving and unhealthy snacking *†

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
† When combined with a sensible diet and regular exercise.

Take Crave Control in anticipation of periods of hunger. If you know you won’t be eating another meal for a few hours, drink a glass of Crave Control. Doing so will help prevent between-meal cravings and allow you to save your appetite for a satisfying meal of essential foods.

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Crave Control

Item #SU74907
$ 57.60

Unit Size

30 Packets


1 pack

Take a break from hunger with Synergy’s Crave Control. This refreshing, strawberry-lemonade flavored drink mix promotes a sustained sense of fullness with a powerful blend of efficacious ingredients, including chromium picolinate, fiber, and a patented, all-natural potato protein extract. This delicious formula fights hunger for up to three hours at a time, reducing cravings for sweets, high-fat treats, and fast foods.

Tome un descanso del hambre con SLMsmart Crave Control de Synergy. Esta mezcla refrescante con sabor a fresa y limonada estimula un sentimiento de saciedad prolongado con una combinación poderosa de ingredientes eficaces, por ejemplo, tripicolinato de cromo, fibra y un extracto patentado de proteína de papa totalmente natural. Esta fórmula deliciosa combate el hambre por hasta tres horas a la vez reduciendo el deseo de comer dulces, bocadillos con un alto contenido en grasa y comidas rápidas.

  • Curbs hunger for up to three hours *†
  • Helps you consume less food throughout the day *†
  • Reduces craving and unhealthy snacking *†

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
† When combined with a sensible diet and regular exercise.

Take Crave Control in anticipation of periods of hunger. If you know you won’t be eating another meal for a few hours, drink a glass of Crave Control. Doing so will help prevent between-meal cravings and allow you to save your appetite for a satisfying meal of essential foods.